APIC Command line interface (apic-cli)

apic-cli is a command line utility that allows you to test your Test Suits created with apic from a command line or with a node js app. With the help of apic-cli you can run your API test suites from inside your Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) environments.

How to use apic-cli

Step 1: Install NodeJs

apic-cli is an npm package hence you will need to have NodeJs installed to test your APIs with APIC. Follow the steps specified here to install the version of NodeJs applicable for your environment.

Step 2: Install apic-cli

Install the apic command line utility apic-cli globally with the following command.

npm i apic-cli -g
yarn global add apic-cli

Step 3: Run your Test Suite with apic-cli

In terminal

if you want to use apic from the command line run

npm install apic-cli -g

Once installed you can runapic-cli -hto view all available commands.


run|r <suit> [options]Run apic Test Suit or an entire Test Project


-e, --environment <path>: Specify a URL or Path to an apic environment file.

-r, --reporters <reporters>: Comma separated list of reporters to use (without any space)

--reporters-junit-path <path>: Path to write the junit report file

-d , --responseData: if specified, response data will be logged in the cli reporter

-h, --help: output usage information


apic-cli run ".\example\ToDo demo.suit.apic" -e ".\example\APIC Todo demo-env.env.apic" -r cli,junit -d

With NodeJs

If you want to use it with a node js application add it to your project by running

npm install apic-cli --save

Next add below code to your script file.

const apicCli = require('../lib');

apicCli.run('.\\example\\ToDo demo.suit.apic', {
    environment: '.\\example\\APIC Todo demo-env.env.apic',
    reporters: 'cli,junit',
    responseData: true

Look in the examples folder for a sample node js app to run your Test Suit with apic.

Last updated

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